Publications 2009

"De la 'Realpolitik' à la 'Real Communication'" (From 'Realpolitik'  to 'Real Communication'), by Roger Vandomme and Bruno Racouchot, in Sentinel (Revue de décryptage des enjeux stratégiques et des menaces contemporaines), n° 51, April 2009. Bruno Racouchot is director of Comes. Roger Vandomme is Vice-President at Equifax Canada, Partner of Comes North America and Lieutenant-Colonel teaching strategic planning at the Canadian Forces College in Toronto.

"Communication will have to reassess its strategic positioning. Not anymore as a simple order taker, but now more involved with strategic planning, at the executive level. A real communication strategy cannot anymore be a simple fun-generating / customer-cocooning tool. It must gently impose itself as providing meaning, sense and references."

"As a wealth generator, the company is the economy kickstart pivot. However, executives will have to polish their communication and insist on differentiation. [...] Therefore it is Identity that becomes the communication strategy's backbone. Starting with identity traits to be enhanced, a consistent and recurring discourse is built. The company's communication model, and the company itself, that are impacted by the crisis"

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"Strategies of influence : the key role of ideas", by Bruno Racouchot and Roger Vandomme, in SITREP, The Journal of the Royal Canadian Military Institute, March-April 2009, Volume 69, Number 2. Bruno Racouchot is director of Comes. Roger Vandomme is Vice-President at Equifax Canada, Partner of Comes North America and Lieutenant-Colonel teaching strategic planning at the Canadian Forces College in Toronto.

"The purpose of a strategy of influence is both to convince others that the selected strategy is the right one, and to organize counter-influence campaigns to contend with pressures and disinformation from elsewhere. Effectively adopting it involves planning at a very early stage, so as to cultivate foresight and an objective view of the environment, thereby making the best use of economic intelligence tools, as well as certain communications vectors."

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Publications 2008

"Stratégies d'influence : le rôle-clé des idées" (Influence strategies: the key role of ideas) by Bruno Racouchot, "Défense" n° 132, March-April 2008.
"Défense" is the periodical of IHEDN, Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale (National Defense High Studies Institute)
Bruno Racouchot is the director of Comes.

"The purpose of an influence strategy is to simultaneously persuade about the selected strategy's relevance and organize counter-influence measures against pressure and misinformation. To effectively deploy this strategy requires thinking more upstream in order to acquire an anticipation capacity and an objective perception of the environment, making it possible to optimize the use of economic intelligence tools as well as other vectors of communication".

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"Quand l'information devient stratégique" (When information becomes strategic) by Christophe Blanc, Eric Delbecque and Thomas Olivier, "Problèmes économiques" N° 2.940 January 30, 2008, La Documentation Française.
Christophe Blanc is editor-in-chief of Sentinel (a magazine about deciphering strategic issues and contemporary threats). Christophe also provides consulting services to Comes, in charge of economic intelligence issues.
This text had initially been published in Hermes, N° 44, with CNRS editions.

"The globalization of the economy came with an intensification of competition which gave a strategic dimension to information and knowledge..."

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